maandag 29 maart 2010

The impact of new media publications, social media tools and networks on the public relations discipline according to Christian Remon

Social media tools, social networks and the “blogosphere” have had a significant impact on the discipline of PR. As always, these developments include both dangers and opportunities. One of the most powerful consequences of these recent developments is the rise of citizen journalism. This implies that nowadays anyone can be a journalist. With a simple mouse-click it is possible to reach millions of people in just a few seconds. This information or opinion can be either positive of negative. However, one devastating review can easily destroy a powerful brand’s reputation. The consequence? The number of crises that have lately emerged from one blog (!) are astonishing. It is therefore very important to monitor the online conversations about your company and to actively participate in them via ambassadors of your brand.

Social media and networks also include major opportunities. As an Ethiopian proverb states: “when spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion…” Indeed, the power of social media lies in the fact that they can be clustered into a valuable communication tool. In my opinion, it is the task of the Public Relations industry to make firms aware of two issues concerning this latest trend. Firstly, they need to convince organizations that social media are an essential part of the communication mix. Digital natives, for example, spend as much on the internet as they spend watching television. When organizations have been convinced of the power of the Social Web, however, the task of the PR industry only just begins. Often, these communication tools are used alongside other tools that are coordinated by other divisions. The future of communication, however, lies in interaction and building relations. In order to achieve an organization’s goals, it is crucial that digital channels and traditional media are integrated into one strategy, all being part of the 360° communication mix.

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